Peter A Turner Writer and Raconteur

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Selling Your Writing.

If you're serious about being a professional writer, ie. you want to earn money by writing. Then you have to become a salesperson. The chances of someone discovering you and selling/promoting you are slim and none.

Remember the old saying: "If you build a better mouse trap, the world will beat a path to your door"?
What the author should of said was: "If you build a better mouse trap and market the hell out of it the world will beat a path to your door."!

Before I retired, I spent more than 40 years in sales & marketing from going door to door  to vice president of sales & marketing for several companies. Now as a writer selling and marketing should be a piece of cake. But the reality is that it's a lot harder to sell yourself than somebody's product or services. Putting yourself out there is scary! But, putting yourself out there is exactly what you must do!

The reason most artist and writers are starving is because they refuse/can't/won't sell themselves! Again they hope they'll be discovered. Good luck with that!

Of course the main reason people don't sell themselves is the fear of rejection. Well get over it! Realize you will face rejection and criticism and lots of Nos. But you must push on. Take the constructive criticisms to heart. Improve, refine, revise, but keep moving forward.

Consider this, most people lack the courage to do what you do. If you have passion, talent and a willingness to take go over, through or around any wall then you will be successful.

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