Peter A Turner Writer and Raconteur

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

"Death Is Never Pretty!" First Draft

Well, I finally have completed the first draft of "Death Is Never Pretty!"  The novel, the second in the O'Neil-Troutman series pits Ted and Rick against an international cartel of human traffickers. Ted travels from New Hampshire to Bogota, Columbia searching for the killer of his friend.

The proofreading & editing will take 3-4 weeks, maybe longer. I want to get it right this time and have a professional proofreader who will give the novel a thorough editing.

I am also looking for 5-6 people willing to read the manuscript after it's been edited. I will use any comments good/bad in my final draft.
If interested in reading and reviewing my manuscript let me know in the comments or contact me via email @ 

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Book Talk!

Save this date! July 26th @ 6:30, I will be at the Taneytown Maryland  Library for a presentation/book signing of my novel "Da Nang Damned!" & hopefully my new book "Death Is Never Pretty!"

So I have two more book signings:

Saturday, April 14th from10-4 @ the CarrollCarvers Festival of Woodcarving @ The Robert Moton Center, Westminster, MD

Sykesville Rotary Tuesday, May 1st @ 7:30 Intergrace Fairhaven, Sykesville, MD

Hopefully, these will be as successful as my previous signings.