Peter A Turner Writer and Raconteur

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

PG or R Rating?

When I decided to finally write my novel, I had to make many decisions regarding style and substance. I spent a lot of time mulling over the tone of the novel, characters, setting, etc. But one area I didn't have to think about was do I give my book a PG or R rating?

In my humble opinion, profanity, sex and violence is so prevalent in our culture that unfortunately we have become immune to it. It's everywhere! TV, print, everyday speech and of course the internet. When I was young I rarely heard any swearing or cursing, even among my friends. In fact it wasn't until I went in the service that I was really expose to profanity, but even there it was understood that you spoke two languages Navy & English. I remember an old crusty Master Chief warning us that when we were home on leave or on a weekend pass to town that we cleanup or **##! language.

In writing my book Da Nang Damned I decide to model myself after Clive Cussler's style of writing. Cussler is one of the most prolific and successful writers of fiction today. He's the author of the Dirk Pitt series and other great books. His books are filled with great heroes and villains, but no where in his books will you find any profanity, in your face sex scenes or violence for the sake of violence.

Now I'm not stupid. I know sex and violence sells. But I also believe I should stay true to who I am. Sure I can swear in at least four languages and truth be told do on occasion let fly with one or two four letter words. But I want to write books that I would be ashamed to have my Mom or my grandchildren read. So call me old fashion but that's just the way I prefer to write.

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